
We set up hammocks on

the cliffside, overlooking the town I’ve

grown up in almost my entire life.

We read in silence for

a few hours, absorbed in the

worlds built onto the pages we’re holding.

The sunlight shines beautifully through

the leaves, branches, and spiderwebs in

front of us, a beautiful mix of greens,

whites and reds.

There is no sense of disdain

or conflict between us.  The silence

that fills the air is calm, serene, that

of friendship.  Nothing needs to be said,

and so nothing is said.  We are in our own worlds

and in each other’s as time races by us, completely

neglecting to tell us that it’s almost the moment

to go.

The light changes from white

to yellow to orange to red,

and slowly falls down the horizon like

the minute hand of a clock.

A haze surrounds the sun, fog on

an unclear road to the future.

The day is over,

and it’s time to go.

Written in during the autumn of 2017


A Day Hike